I think Fall is more about "new beginnings" than the springtime is...
I've realized lately that I do a whole lot more yelling/disciplining/stern-talking-to, than i do just getting down on the ground and playing with Rowan. That's gotta change. We visited Rowan's new "school" (PRYDE Daycare Centre, Uxbridge), which he starts on Tuesday, and their form of discipline is redirection. Redirection. I've read it before, but never really put it to good use, but it does make total sense. Take them out of the situation that is clearly not working for them (or me), and give them something else to occupy their attention. I can almost see this approach really working for Rowan, and not exactly sure why I hadn't employed this previously... Not to mention, I'm getting a little rusty on my creative train track building, so clearly I haven't spent as much time on the floor in the playroom lately.
Another new beginning is a renewed focus on me. Selfish, I know, but I've realized that if I'm unhappy, then everyone is unhappy. My patience grows short, my attention is diverted, and my complaint meter/nit-picking rockets sky high (Glen would never say this, but I totally know it is true). So- focus Corrie. I need to recommit to a regular fitness routine. Not just cycling (I'm currently logging 100+miles per week), but a real, ass-kicking, sweat-inducing, hurts to haul my sorry butt up the stairs- type of workouts. I have a whole wardrobe worth of pre-preggo clothes that it would be really great to fit back into... Here goes...
And on other new beginnings fronts...Glen has just made a big move from Re/Max Omega (Newmarket) to Re/Max All-Stars (Uxbridge) brokerages. A long time coming (99% of his business has been in the UX since he started his real estate career almost 2 years ago), and definitely a good choice. He's got a bunch of new projects on the go, and I'm super-excited for him! He can still be found at http://www.glenbuchanan.ca/ (check it out!).
As for Miss G- she's rockin' and rolling- literally. She made her first big move into the mobility world today: successfully rolled from her back to her front. And had the BIGGEST smile on her face to prove it. Wish I had my camera in my hands for that one...
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