Thursday, 15 September 2011

big kid school con't...

Yup, I thought that would have lasted longer...

He came home from big kid school on Tuesday very excited about his day, and very tired.  No nap for this kid (who can blame him?  how weird would it be to go from sleeping in a bedroom in homecare and at home to sleeping in a big room full of cots n' kids???), and an exciting and action-packed day made for an early night to bed.  He had a blast, though.  A little weepy when other kids were getting picked up by their parents, and his were not there yet, but manageable with snuggles from Lola.  It was a success, and he was saying he was eager to go back on Thursday.

Well, its Thursday, and this morning was full-blown tantrums before we even got through the gate at PRYDE.  Eek.  Carried through the gate and playground, into the classroom, and more tears, more screams and more. more. more.  I violated the "quick dropoff" rule of parenting, and stuck around for 10nminutes, hoping beyond hope it would get better.  It didn't.  Even when his buddy Thomas came in, happy as can be, he didn't go along into the playroom with him.  Miss Deanna had to pull him screaming from my arms...and me, the shattered mom, passed my own tears as I left this morning.  Here's to a cheerier pick-up...

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