We have food issues in our house.
Miss G is about as picky as they come. It took some time to get her onto purees, and when we was little, we had only a short (1 month- maybe!) honeymoon stage of her eating pretty much anything we spooned into her mouth. She had a gag reflex that just wouldn't go away. And meat? We've had to hide it in other food since day 1.
Fast forward to now- just turned 1 year old, and we're on 6 straight weeks of eating nothing but bananas, muffins (or some sort of close bread family friend) and, on the odd occasion, greek yogurt. Yup- thats it.
We present options- every meal, she's offered a smogasboard of what the rest of the family is eating- and she just sits there. Staring at us. And eventually, starts to yell and point across the kitchen at the bananas, or yell again long enough until we dropped some toast infront of her.
I've stooped low enough to start baking Miss G "Custom" Muffins...my latest batch were Applesauce/Bran/Prune/Carrot. Trying to sneak in whatever possible nutrients I can. We also started giving her a multivitamin- trying desperately to cover the basics that she is clearly too picky to get in via food.
She eats nothing from a spoon. Her daycare provider manages to get her to eat the yogurt- me, I have to mix it with milk and throw it in a sippy cup to get her to drink it down.
And this week- we ended up in the ER at Uxbridge Cottage Hospital with a baby with a bloated stomach to the point that I couldn't even zip up her sweatshirt. After a visit with the ER doc and a few xrays- lo and behold! She was backed up right to the ascending colon- over 400% more fecal matter in her bowel than the average baby her age! I guess I shouldn't have been surprised- 6 weeks of bananas and bread products will do that to you. So, we're now on daily suppositories and stool softners to fix the problem. Whilst still breeding our way straight back to this issue, as she's still only eating the culprits that put us in this mess.
And where do we go from here? Suggestions welcome...please!
You can refer her to our program. Seems drastic but we deal with little ones all the time who refuse to eat or have limited diets. One thing if it is a phase but when it goes on and on.... 1(800)841-2729 ext 3203. It is free and an OT will come to your house. You just need to be home.
ReplyDeleteOh Cor, terrible news for all of you. It's one thing when they are being picky and stubborn but it's another when it lands you in the ER. I'm sure that was no fun for any of you, including Georgia. If you don't go Colleen's route then let me know and we'll figure something out. You know where to reach me.