Friday, 7 December 2012

...and, the FAMILY PICS!

The family pic...

(Lindsay's idea...and I LOVE IT!)


cute enough for a holiday card?

my angels

looking back...

wow- i love a good resolution, but keeping them seems to be my nemesis these days.  crazy- when i posted the halloween pics, i had great intentions to "get back at it" to my blog on a (very) regular i'm logging in, almost 5 weeks since my last post, and here we go again...

looking back...

wow- its been a busy one.  sometimes you just need to roll with life: the good and the bad, and the crazy, and the not-so-crazy.  work has been nuts.  kids have been amazing, and fun, and warm, and awesome...and a little crabby, tired, and draining at times too.  rowan is back to his night wake-ups- sometimes upwards of 4 times a night, and there is no "tuck and turn" to go back to my own warm bed...and its wearing on him too- early morning wake-ups since the "Fall Back" daylight savings time ended, have left him pretty darn tired at the end of the day.  But- we roll with it. 

georgia has been making slow strides (but strides nonetheless) with her speech since her surgery.  we got the great news from the ENT surgeon a few weeks back that noted her hearing was back to 100%- what fab news!  looking back- seeing her groove it out in the car seat to the radio tunes on day 2 post-surgery was awesome...she was boppin' to the music like it was the first time she'd ever heard it!  (and the sad part is- it probably was the first time she could ever hear it!).  its still a bit of a uphill battle- her speech isn't accelerating as fast as we had hoped, and she's essentially starting her sounds and word forming from an infant-level.  it'll come- just lots of practice ahead. 

as for interests- rowan is still using his train table like it is going out of style (the cost-per-use on that toy is down to half-pennys per day!), loves puzzles, books, playing outside, baking, crafting, and hide n' seek (new after-dinner-time family game- full-on 4-member hide n' seek in the basement!).  georgia has become quite the caregiver- loves her dollies, kitchen playset, and joins in (or torments?!?) with all rowan's trains and car play.  she's also a huge hide n' seeker...not so much into books, but will craft with the best of 'em. 

schedules have been busy lately- the holidays are up and coming, and we're busy with social schedules, prepping the house, and Glen's been putting together his Festival of Lights display (pics to follow!).  we've just mourned the passing of a feisty, friendly and vibrant lady- Gramma Parton- and looking forward to enjoying some time with family and friends over the holidays.

Glen isn't so much counting down the days 'till Christmas, as much as he's counting down the days till The Hobbit

i've been sewing like a fiend- wish i was better (and faster) to a) get all my holiday gifting and projects done; and b) to maybe start a little Etsy business (yikes- did I really just put that in writing???).  i am so in love with my new machine, and almost yearn for the nights that Glen is at hockey so I can have some uninterrupted "date" time with the stitcher! 

i've also recommitted to running- in the past, its been so hard to break the 10K mark (on a regular basis), without getting bored to tears.  thanks to my good friend amy and some stellar chatter, we barely noticed the (almost) 14K we logged yesterday!  around-the-bay and possible spring/fall marathon- here i come!

just had new family shots done (thanks to Lindsay Golden!  photographer extraordinaire!)- amazing job, as usual.  postings to follow...

and, that's a wrap (for now).  promise it won't be another 5 weeks before i blog it up!