Despite the arrival of the not-so-Frankenstormish-Hurricane-Sandy, and the drab rain that sleeted through the UX today- Halloween didn't disappoint! Rowan has been talking about tonight for 2 weeks...dressing up in his costume, having a Halloween party with his friends at school, making a Haunted House, carving pumpkins, and telling his sister all about Trick or Treating. He. Was. Pumped.
...and then it came (ready or not...I won the award for procrastination this year, picking up the last of the Halloween candy at about 3pm this afternoon!). He was literally shaking with excitement, and popped out of bed this morning at 6:20am. Funny enough- we didn't think Miss G would get as "into it" as she did this year, but one mention of the word "costume", and she was off like a hat to find her stuff. Sweet. Nothing like the energy of 2 kiddies to get into the spirit!
At Rowan's request, I made his Peter Pan costume (which, ironically, was often mistaken as Robin Hood...both characters do sorta wear the same stuff, only Robin Hood would have had a bow & arrow instead of a dagger...mental note for next year!). Given I only taught myself how to sew a few weeks ago, I'm pretty stinkin' chuffed at how it turned out:
(OMG! i hate that blogger automatically rotates my pics!) |
Here's Georgia in her night costume- my sweet little owl:
I totally bootlegged the idea off a blogger's site (thanks to Lindsey from The Martin Family Times!), and I love, love how it turned out! So easy...used a Poncho pattern that my Mom had from when we were kids instead of a cape- which proved to be much warmer (and more appropriate) for Ontario October weather!
Pumpkins turned out super cute, and got tons of raves from all the trick or treaters that came to the door:
(do I need to admit my Pinterest addiction here? ...and subsequent idea steal for the Cookie Monster Pumpkin? I can claim creative licence for the Elmo version!) Ironically, I just went out to douse the lights in the pumpkins, and somehow all the cookies have disappears- must have been some hungry kiddies!
Finally, the family pic: